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Template 1 – Horoscopes

Jul 28, 2024… You could be contending with strong feelings today, Aquarius. Optimism is key to keeping a high vibe. Pleasant feelings can be just as intense as other emotions. What makes you feel good? Getting in some fun time can lift your mood and keep you positive. Surround yourself with your favorite things. This can round out your weekend with a spark!


Template 2 – List View

Trump Files Complaint With FEC Over Biden’s War Chest

( – President Joe Biden bowed to pressure from the Democratic Party and dropped out of the race on July 21. He endorsed Vice Presid ...Read More

Elon Musk Claims ‘Woke Mind Virus’ Killed His Son

( – Xavier Musk came out as transgender in June 2022 at the age of 18. He then changed his name to Vivian Jenna Wilson, dropping th ...Read More


Template 4 – Small Sponsored Stories


Template 5 – Fortune Cookies

You will overcome hardship, and your luck will turn around soon.


Template 6 – Big Grid


Template 7 – Big Grid


Template 8 – Big Grid


Template 9 – Article with Ads

Trump Files Complaint With FEC Over Biden’s War Chest

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( – President Joe Biden bowed to pressure from the Democratic Party and dropped out of the race on July 21. He endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to take over for him as the Democratic nominee. The VP hit the ground running and began campaigning right away. Former President Donald Trump’s campaign is now trying to stop her from using the fundraising cash from the defunct Biden-Harris campaign.

On Tuesday, July 23, Trump’s campaign filed an FEC complaint against Biden, Harris, the Biden campaign, and Keana Spencer, the campaign treasurer. The former president’s campaign accused Harris of trying to “perpetrate a $91.5 million dollar [sic] heist of” the leftover donations to Biden’s campaign.

David Warrington, Trump’s campaign’s general counsel, accused the vice president of failing to file her own Statement of Candidacy and just “filing fraudulent forms with the” FEC to repurpose Biden’s campaign committee for another candidate to use by just replacing the president’s name with hers. The attorney claimed federal campaign finance law doesn’t allow the VP to just take over the campaign funds.

Trump’s complaint might run into issues because when the Biden campaign registered with the FEC, it was just called the “principal campaign committee” for both Biden and Harris. The VP is just changing the name of the fund to the Harris for President, Harris Victory Fund, and Harris Action Fund.

Dara Lindenbaum, one of the FEC’s commissioners, agreed. She wrote a statement on X, formerly Twitter, stating that Harris would get access to the funds because the campaign was registered as the “principal campaign committee.”

Charles Kretchmer Lutvak, a spokesperson for the Harris campaign, said they have raised more than $100 million in new donations since Biden dropped out. They have also signed up tens of thousands of volunteers to help push her message. Right now, she has her own money to spend.

Experts believe the FEC won’t address the Trump campaign’s complaint before the election.

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