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CampaignerGetting Started

Campaigner: First Time Setup

Here are some Campaigner settings you’ll want to take care of when you first login to your Campaigner account. You’ll receive an email from with the From name Campaigner Email Marketing. The email will contain a link to set a password, which will take you to After you login…

Go to… Account Settings (click on the top right avatar to reveal this option)
Select your preferred MM/DD/YYYY format.
Set your preferred Time Zone.
Make sure “Auto sign out time” is set to Never
Enter your physical mailing address

Go to… Contacts > Manage Fields
Create 7 specific UTM data fields for our environment so it syncs up with our systems.
Click the orange button on the top left, called New Custom Field.
Create 7 of these, names are below.
Type = Text Box
Names for fields:
1. content – Click the button Save & Add Another
2. campaign – Click the button Save & Add Another
3. sourceId – Click the button Save & Add Another
4. contactId – Click the button Save & Add Another
5. placementId – Click the button Save & Add Another
6. audience – Click the button Save & Add Another
7. medium – Click the button Save & Close

Go to… Lists > Mailing Lists
Create a new list by clicking on the orange button called New Mailing List, top left of screen.
This list can be the one you import data into or it can just be a test/sample list for now.
*Uncheck “Visible in Forms”

Go to… Email Campaigns
1. If you use HTML email templates copy any HTML code from one of your recent templates in order to create a sample HTML template in Campaigner. Be sure your email’s images are compressed, under 600px wide and under 50K. Use low-medium quality .jpg for all photos and .png or .gif for logos.
2. Click on the dropdown arrow in the orange button called New Email Campaign and select Copy/Paste HTML. Paste your HTML code and click on the Paste button at the bottom right.
3. The bottom left has Design and HTML tabs so you can toggle back and forth between the HTML code and a preview mode.
4. At the top of the page, next to “Email campaign name:” give your email campaign an appropriate name, for example: Newsletter 06-14-19. When you are done, click on the green arrow or press the Enter key on your keyboard.
5. Click the Next button to the right.
6. In the Subject field enter the email subject line you want to assign to this campaign.
7. Put in a From Name that works.
8. In the Preheader field enter any desired text you wish to use. The preheader text will appear below your email subject line on a mobile device and next to your email subject line on a desktop. This is an opportunity for you to add text that will further your recipients’ desire to open and read your email.
9. Make sure the From Name field has the appropriate information.
10. Make sure the From Email field is accurate.
11. Next to Reply Settings select “Do not track email replies.”
12. Next to Footer make sure the box is checked “Include your Mailing Address in the footer of the email.”
13. Make sure the Campaigner default footer appears in the box below that, it should read:
You are subscribed to this email as [Contact.Email]. Click here to modify your preferences or unsubscribe.
14. Click Save Draft on top or bottom right.
15. On bottom left of next screen click on Preview & Test.
16. On the next screen you can review your template, look for proper formatting, spelling, etc. If it needs any editing click the grey Edit button on the top right.
17. On the left margin click the desktop monitor icon and the mobile phone icon to toggle back and forth between preview for desktop and preview for mobile. This is an extremely important step to ensure your email is optimized for mobile devices.
18. When you are happy with your email enter any email addresses you want to send a test to in the Specific Addresses window on the left, then click Send Test. After doing this it’s critical to view this email from your phone to make sure it looks right. In addition, whether from your phone or desktop click every link in your email to make sure they go to the right sites.