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CampaignerGetting Started

Campaigner: Email Template Set-up and Merge Codes

Approved Email Builders

We don’t recommend Campaigner’s standard email templating system as there are more modern methods available. We highly recommend a 3rd party HTML editor such as, however, be sure your email’s images are compressed, under 600px wide and under 50K. Use low-medium quality .jpg for all photos and .png or .gif for logos.

Starter Email Templates

*Note: If you are looking for a custom template, please contact us at support(at)

Merge Codes

For merging systems information or contact fields in your email templates, please use the following formatted merge codes: 

Standard Data Fields Merge Code
Email Address [Contact.Email]
Unique contact identifier [Contact.contactId]
First Name [Contact.First Name]
Last Name [Contact.Last Name]
Phone Number [Contact.Phone]
Custom Field [Contact.Fieldname]
System Date / Time
Can be used as a cache buster
View Online URL [Campaign.ViewOnlineURL]
Campaign ID [Campaign.Id]
View Campaign Online [Campaign.ViewOnlineURL]
Campaign Tracking Image [Campaign.TrackingImageURL]
Share Campaign Online [Campaign.ShareOnlineURL]
Company Address [Account.CompanyAddress]
Manage Preferences [Campaign.ManagePreferencesURL]
Campaign Unsubscribe Link [Campaign.UnsubscribeLink]
Campaign Unsubscribe URL [Campaign.UnsubscribeURL]
Account Company Name [Account.CompanyName]
Account Company Address [Account.CompanyAddress]
Unsubscribe Link* <a href=”[Campaign.UnsubscribeURL]”>Unsubscribe</a>

Unsubscribe footers

Campaigner can be set to automatically include the unsubscribe link in the footer of your email, but you may also want to add it manually in the header or design your own custom footer.