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Earnware: Email Template Setup and Merge Codes

Approved Email Builders

We highly recommend Email Builder, however, be sure your email’s images are compressed (under 50K), under 600px wide. Use low-medium quality .jpg for all photos and .png or .gif for logos.

Cost HTML Editor
$20 / Month

Starter Email Templates

*Note: If you are looking for a custom template, please contact us at support(at)

Merge Codes

Earnware SMTP can deploy your email campaigns through popular SMTP email sending infrastructures such as: Amazon SES,, and Mailgun to name a few.

The following merge codes can be used when sending email via Earnware SMTP (keep in mind, these merge codes are different than what you would use when sending from Campaigner) and can also be used within your Earnware account when using outbound webhooks to send contacts to other ESPs or to other Earnware accounts.

Popular Merge Codes:

Standard Data Fields Merge Code
Source ID [sourceId]
Email Address [email]
First Name [firstName]
Last Name [lastName]
Phone Number [phone]
Cell Number [cell]
Fax Number [fax]
Address Line 1 [addressLine1]
Address Line 2 [addressLine2]
Campaign ID [campaignId]
Contact ID [contactId]
System Date / Time


Useful to bust cache

[date,,date:MM/DD/YYYY] 4/20/2020Example: /?utm_source=[sourceId]&utm_placement=campaignplacement&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaignname&utm_content=newsletter&date=[date,,date:M/DD/YYYY]
[date,,date:dddd, M/DD] Monday, 4/20
[date,,date:dddd, MMMM D, YYYY] Monday, April 20, 2020
[date,,date:YYYYMMDD] 20200420
[date,,date:MM-DD-YYYY] 04-20-2020
Unsubscribe Link* Intended for: [email] <a href=”[unsubscribe,]”>Unsubscribe</a>
Custom Field [custom] *see note below*

IMPORTANT NOTE: All merge codes are case sensitive.

For custom fields: capitalization can be custom, whereas standard merge fields must follow “camelCase” format.

All custom field merge codes must match the custom field written inside the contact record and the capitalization used for that field. If the merge code matches the custom field, the value will pass. Do not put spaces between 2 words in any fields.

For example:

  • If your contact record has the custom field name: zodiacSign, the merge code in the email needs to be [zodiacSign].
  • If your contact record has the custom field name: ZodiacSign, the merge code in the email needs to be [ZodiacSign].
  • If your contact record has the custom field name: zodiacsign, the merge code in the email needs to be [zodiacsign].
  • If your contact record has the custom field name: ZODIACSIGN, the merge code in the email needs to be [ZODIACSIGN].
  • and so on…

Adding Default Values:

If you don’t have a value for any given field, consider adding a default value: a word or phrase that will populate the field if there’s no field value for the contact record. To add one, add it inside your merge code like this: [field, default value].

To illustrate that, if your merge code is [firstName, My Friend], this will populate the field with the name value if you have it in the contact record, and if you don’t have it, it will just say My Friend.

Unsubscribe footers

Here’s a common Unsubscribe footer link, complete with merge codes, to be used if you embed it directly into the HTML source code of your template:
Intended for: [email] <a href=”[unsubscribe,]”>Unsubscribe</a>

Here’s a common Unsubscribe footer link, complete with merge codes, to be used if you use the Insert Link feature within an HTML/template editor (this is NOT to be used within the HTML source code):

*Please note, once you create a successful Unsubscribe link on your email template you need to make sure that actual URL/page exists on your website. Build a page on your site that has appropriate Unsubscribe language (e.g. You have successfully unsubscribed), the URL would be

Always send a campaign to your seed contacts to make sure all fields are passing the right values/default values.