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Earnware Connect

Multi-page form and funnel building

Collecting Additional Data from Known Subscribers

From an email broadcast, a user can click through to a page on a WordPress site and can enter additional form data which can post to Earnware w/o the need for the user to enter their email address again. Simply pass the user’s email address or user ID in the URL like the example below and your active Earnware form will use the user’s stored email passing it in a hidden field updating the contact record on submit.

  •{merge contact ID}
  •{merge email}

Passing form variable data from page to page

Earnware forms store and pass variable data automatically, however, additional options exist to customize the behavior if the localStorage of the browser cannot be accessed successfully. Following is the shortcode to use to allow them to view the content even if the localStorage of the browser cannot be accessed successfully.
[ew_hasrole url="URL YOU WANT THEM TO GO IF THEY DON'T HAVE ACCESS" softenforcement="true"]

Single Visit Shortcode

Use the ew_singlevisit url=”/” short code to make a page a one-time visit. You can specify an alternative url if the user has already visited the page. If the browser’s localStorage is not available it will allow the user to visit the page multiple times and the single visit will not be enforced.
[ew_hasrole url="URL YOU WANT THEM TO GO IF THEY DON'T HAVE ACCESS" softenforcement="true" ew_singlevisit url="RELATIVE PATH URL"]

Gated Content Shortcode

Use the ew_hasrole short code to gate content. By default it checks for the subscribers but can be overriden to check for other roles (ones you create :)) You can add either a url or callback attribute to determine how you handle users without access.

You can also specify another parameter, “softenforcement” to indicate you want the gate enforced “softly” / gracefully. If true is passed in it will allow the user to view the content if localStorage is not available. i.e. ew_hasrole softenforcement=”true”

How to Merge Dynamic Content

You can merge any piece of content with a querystring value using the following markup:

“Default Value”

In this instance the myparamname value in the querystring will replace the “Default Value.” If no value exists the default value will remain.

Transform Url Shortcode

A popular use case with digital marketers is to track affiliate referral traffic with confidence; however, post a default affiliate ID, product ID, or alternative value if non-exists in the URL.

Use the ew_transform_url to take a base url and set values from the querystring or local storage with different key names. It is able to transform a url like:

http:/ to

The following attributes can be set:

Value of selector of links you wish to transform, e.g. .ck_link, #yourafflink. Default is .ck_link

An array keys you want to pull values for and whether or not they are required. e.g. {key: ‘aid’, required: true},{key: ‘pid’}. If the source requirements are not met the default url will be used. The default url is what is already in the href attribute of the link tag. The default is: {key: ‘aid’, required: true}, {key: ‘sid’}, {key: ‘tid’, required: true}

An array keys you want to the respective sources to have. e.g. ‘SUBID1’, ‘SUBID2’. In this example aid’s value would map to SUBID1 in the transformed url. The default is: ‘s1’, ‘s2’, ‘s3’

This is the url that the target parameters will be added to. Based on default parameters the following link:

<a class=”ck_link” href=” value”>TRANSFORMED LINK</a>

would be transformed to navigate to:

when referred to from:

when using the following shortcode: ew_transform_url baseUrl=””